We’d love to hear your feedback for our salesperson!

ERA Customer Satisfaction Survey

Dear ERA Customer,

Congratulations on your recent property transaction with our ERA Salesperson.

We would like to hear from you regarding your level of satisfaction with our ERA salesperson who served you. Your feedback is valuable to us.

Thank you for your time in completing this brief survey.

Marcus Chu, CEO


Survey Qns

Using the satisfaction scale below, please rate and tick your satisfaction level with the ERA salesperson that served you:

5 = Excellent, 4 = Very Good, 3 = Good, 2 = Average, 1 = Below Average

1 . Agent’s ability to communicate in a timely, clear and accurate manner.

2 . Agent’s commitment to complete the transaction process according to client’s instructions and agreed expectations.

3 . Agent’s ability to provide value-added services beyond the call of duty.

4 . Agent’s familiarity with the property transaction process, contracts used, payment schedule and stamp duties payable.

5 . Agent’s knowledge of the property market trends and activities.

6 . Agent’s honesty, reliability and professionalism.

7 . Agent’s ability to market your property to interested parties / search for properties that meet your requirements.

8 . Agent’s ability to negotiate on your behalf in the property transaction.

9 . Overall satisfaction with the Agent.

10 . I would engage this Agent again in buying or selling a property.

11 . I would recommend this Agent to a family member and/or a friend.

12 . The Agent and Agency have my permission to use my testimonial in their marketing and promotional materials.

13 . Please tell us more about your experience with the Agent:

Your testimonial for this salesperson will be reflected on FindPropertyAgent.sg website. Thank you for helping to raise the service level of our salespersons.

Personal Details

Please enter transacted property address instead of your address.

If you do not receive the OTP, you may write in your review to [email protected].

ERA Realty Network Pte Ltd
(CEA Licence No. L3002382K)