
Do These Three Things to Help Your Client Seal the Deal

Whether you’re a Condo specialist or a HDB specialist, when you’re tasked to sell property, you know the heat is on. No matter what, you are going to have to pull the best tricks out of your hat.

But sometimes the best tricks don’t need to cost an arm and a leg. These are three things you can do to help grease the wheels of the process, and the best thing is – they’re absolutely FREE!

1. Sometimes, Less is More.
There are essentially two types of home-buyers, those who love how the house looks, or those who hate it and intend to revamp the entire interior. If the listing isn’t getting much traction, and you’re sure the pictures are decent, perhaps the style and décor of the place is simply too unique.
In this case, you may want to request the homeowner remove pieces of furniture that may come across as peculiar or too whimsical, and opt for a comfortable, minimalist look and feel, so potential buyers don’t have to stretch their imagination trying to visualise themselves living in that space.

2. Keeping It Neutral
You’d be surprised at how many homeowners will start neglecting their property the moment they decide to put it on the market. They’d think Why bother? We’re not even going to live there anymore. Like all abandoned objects, the house will start showing signs of neglect; torn and broken furniture, dusty floors and windows, and stained tiles in the bathroom. So make sure to spruce up the place by getting the owners to keep it clean and in liveable conditions before the next appointment with your client. It’ll do you both a big favour.
However, your staging efforts will be little more than useless if the whole place is cluttered with personal items and keepsakes. Buyers are going to feel like they are visiting, or even intruding into someone’s personal space instead of seeing the place as a potential home for themselves.

3. Know the price
Any property agent in Singapore knows the price can make or break a deal. Find out the prices of neighbouring properties, and moderate your client’s asking price along with market rates. To speed up the time taken to sell the property, lowering the price – within your client’s expectations – will help, but refrain from pushing prices down just to cut a quick deal.

And you don’t even have to scrawl through property listing websites to search for the latest property prices! Simply head on to myERA Portal > Pricing &Co-broke > HDB CMA Listing. Input all the details and voilà! You can see the address, property type and model, size, transaction type, price, unit number, and even the purchase date!

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